Montana Governor Acts to Protect Public Lands

Photo credit: Anya Bean

Photo credit: Anya Bean

We are excited about sharing some big news from the big sky state.

  • Yesterday, Montana’s Governor Steve Bullock announced a series of initiatives to protect public lands and enhance the outdoor recreation experience. His plans include the following facets:
  • Creating a “Montana Office of Outdoor Recreation” in the Governor’s Office, the fourth of such offices around the west.
  • Creating a “Public Access Specialist,” who will work to ensure that the public has full access to public lands in the state.
  • Recommitting to his stance against the public land heist.

Governor’s Bullock’s impassioned defense of Montana’s public lands repudiated recent efforts throughout the west to transfer or sell off public lands. It’s also heartening proof that policymakers are recognizing how important access to public lands is to constituents, and that millions of outdoor enthusiasts across the west want to keep public lands in public hands.

Outdoor Alliance Montana leader, Hilary Eisen, showing off her recreation passions with Governor Bullock at yesterday's announcement.

Outdoor Alliance Montana leader, Hilary Eisen, showing off her recreation passions with Governor Bullock at yesterday's announcement.

“Public access to public lands is a fundamental part of what it means to be a Montanan,” said Governor Bullock. “And it’s my responsibility as governor to uphold this Montana value – now and in the years to come.”

The governor has been a longstanding champion for public lands, and has spoken out previously against the public land heist, saying “Not on my watch will we sell our public lands off to the highest bidder. Not now, not ever.” Outdoor Alliance Montana, our regional network of local leaders in the state, was able to attend the public announcement yesterday and is working with the governor’s office to ensure the success of his plans.

The stakes are high for our public lands, and we look forward to working with more public officials in the west to protect our public lands and the outdoor experiences that they enable.