Take Action

Protecting the outdoors starts with you. Lawmakers want to hear from you and we’ve made it easy to share your voice. Help make the next big conservation success story happen by speaking up for public lands and waters today. Take action on our current action alerts here.


Reform Mining to Protect Public Lands

It is past time to bring our mining laws into the 21st century. The Mining Law of 1872 continues to govern hardrock mining across most of the U.S., giving mining a pass to the front of the line and often causing direct conflicts with outdoor recreation and conservation priorities. Lawmakers are considering legislation that would update antiquated mining laws. Take two minutes to send a message to write your lawmakers in support of needed mining reforms.

Tell the House Not to Mess with Conservation

The House just voted to roll back recent conservation efforts, including opening up the Boundary Waters for mining, rolling back the BLM's Public Lands Rule, and undoing protections for millions of acres of public lands in Alaska.

These bills undermine hard fought efforts to protect the outdoors, address climate change, safeguard our country's most popular Wilderness area, and modernize how we manage 245 million acres of public lands.


Support the BLM’s Public Lands Rule

The BLM’s recent Public Lands Rule offers new ways to manage and protect 245 million acres of public lands, home to spectacular outdoor recreation opportunities. It will help the BLM address the stress of climate change, increasing visitation, and energy development. Tell lawmakers you support the rule!

Uphold Oil and Gas Leasing Reforms

Oil and gas leasing has regularly been in conflict with outdoor recreation experiences. The BLM released new oil and gas leasing reforms to better protect outdoor recreation. Unfortunately, some lawmakers are already targeting the reforms. Take action and tell lawmakers to uphold the reforms and protect the outdoors.


Improve America’s Outdoor Recreation

Help pass a first-of-its-kind package to improve outdoor recreation on America's public lands and waters. Get involved to protect, enhance, and expand outdoor recreation on our public lands and waters.

Protect More Public Land and Water

Congress is considering new protections for special places in California, Colorado, Oregon, Washington, and Montana. Take two minutes today to ask your members of Congress to protect public lands and waters.


Support Equitable Access

All young people deserve the opportunity to experience the outdoors. Tell Congress to support equitable access initiatives, including the Environmental Justice for All Act and Transit to Trails.

Natural Climate Solutions

Protecting public lands and waters are natural climate solutions that benefit communities and the planet. 30x30 is a conservation goal to conserve 30 percent of our lands and waters by 2030.


Fund Public Lands

Right now, Congress is debating the federal budget for the upcoming year. With visitation on the rise, agencies like the BLM and the Forest Service need more funding to keep up with staffing and maintenance. Ask your lawmakers to fund the outdoors.

Defend Clean Water

From paddlers to surfers, clean water is profoundly important for recreation. However, some members of Congress are setting out to overturn a critical clean water ruling that helps protect clean water for the country.