Outdoor Leaders Push Congress to Advance Climate Package

Outdoor Leaders Push Congress to Advance Climate Package

Climate investments are needed to protect communities, landscapes, and the outdoor recreation economy


March 1, 2022, Washington, D.C. – Today, Outdoor Alliance, Outdoor Industry Association, and Conservation Alliance – on behalf of thousands of American outdoor businesses and millions of outdoor recreationists – called on Congress to pass a $555 billion climate package to address the climate crisis and protect public lands and waters, which are the foundation for a thriving $689 billion outdoor economy.

“Congress has already done the difficult work of negotiating a robust climate and public lands package that has the necessary support to become law,” the letter states. “The climate and public lands provisions developed through the Build Back Better negotiations offer pathways towards climate mitigation that have broad support within Congress. These negotiations have come too far not to produce meaningful results for the American people, especially given the urgency of addressing the climate crisis before it is too late. It is imperative that Congress seize the opportunity to pass a climate package in 2022.”

The groups sent the letter because climate change poses an existential threat to outdoor recreation, which accounts for nearly 2 percent of U.S. GDP and employs more than 4.3 million Americans. Without immediate action to mitigate the effects of climate change and invest in public lands and waters, these shared landscapes and the outdoor economy are at significant risk.

The letter also recommends that a climate and public lands reconciliation package should retain the following funding priorities from the Build Back Better Act, such as:

  • Conservation and Jobs Corps programs (CCC), enabling work to address climate change, conservation, equitable and sustainable recreation access, and local economic development while supporting career development for the next generation of land management and recreation infrastructure professionals.

  • National Forest System Restoration and Fuels Reduction Projects, including funding for hazardous fuels reduction; Legacy Roads and Trails; land management planning and monitoring; trail maintenance; capital maintenance and improvements; more efficient and effective environmental reviews; protection of older and mature forests; and post-fire recovery.

  • Non-Federal Land Forest Restoration and Fuels Reduction Projects and Research, including critical research and grants to expand equitable access to outdoor recreation.

  • State and Private Forestry Conservation Programs, including funding for the Forest Legacy and Urban & Community Forestry Assistance programs.

  • Public Lands, including key investments in National Parks and public conservation and resilience; National Parks and public lands conservation and ecosystem restoration; land projects; wildfire management; National Park Service deferred maintenance and Department of Interior housing; urban parks; National Heritage Areas; and withdrawals.




Outdoor Alliance

Outdoor Alliance is a nonprofit coalition of organizations that include American Whitewater, American Canoe Association, Access Fund, International Mountain Bicycling Association, Winter Wildlands Alliance, The Mountaineers, American Alpine Club, the Mazamas, Colorado Mountain Club, and Surfrider Foundation. Outdoor Alliance unites backcountry skiers, hikers, paddlers, mountain bikers, boaters, climbers, and surfers who share a commitment to protecting public lands and waters. For more information, visit outdooralliance.org.


The Conservation Alliance

The Conservation Alliance is an organization of 275 like-minded businesses whose collective contributions support grassroots environmental organizations and their efforts to protect wild places where outdoor enthusiasts recreate. Alliance funds have played a key role in protecting rivers, trails, wildlands, and climbing areas throughout North America. Membership in the Alliance is open to all companies who care about protecting our most threatened wild places for habitat and outdoor recreation. Since 1989, we have contributed more than $27,370,000 in grants to conservation organizations whose collective efforts have helped protect 73 million acres of land and 3,580 miles of rivers; stop or remove 37 dams; acquire 21 climbing areas; and designate five marine reserves. For complete information about The Conservation Alliance, visit www.conservationalliance.com.


Outdoor Industry Association

Outdoor Industry Association (OIA) is the national trade association for the outdoor industry and is the title sponsor of Outdoor Retailer, the largest outdoor products tradeshow in North America. OIA serves over 1,200 manufacturers, suppliers, and retailers through a focus on international trade and public lands and recreation policy, sustainable business innovation and outdoor participation.