Forest Service Welcomes New Chief, Tony Tooke
Photo credit: Forest Service, flickr
Former US Forest Service Chief Tom Tidwell recently announced his retirement, and the Forest Service yesterday announced that Tony Tooke would succeed him.
We are grateful for Chief Tidwell's distinguished tenure leading the US Forest Service. While at the helm, he successfully modernized the Forest Service's Planning Rule and and also secured a solid conservation outcome for the Colorado Roadless Rule.
We are delighted with Secretary Perdue's choice of Tony Tooke to serve as the new Chief of the Forest Service. He understands conservation and has a pragmatic and modern approach to multiple use that embraces sustainable recreation. We admired his vision during the implementation of the 2012 Planning Rule, and his leadership on the Nantahala-Pisgah National Forest's transparent and inclusive approach to forest planning. We keenly look forward to working with him and his team.