Outdoor Alliance Supports 4 Bills in House and Senate

Yesterday, Outdoor Alliance submitted letters supporting four promising pieces of legislation in the House and Senate. We thanked the sponsors and co-sponsors for their work on three subjects we have long supported: the Land and Water Conservation Fund, the Federal Lands Transaction Facilitation Act, and smart renewable energy leasing on public lands.

  • On the Senate side, the Land and Water Conservation Authorization and Funding Act (S. 338), would fully and permanently fund the LWCF. By reinvesting revenues from offshore drilling, the LWCF has funded recreation opportunities in all fifty states, including thousands of miles of singletrack and river protection and access on the Gauley and the While Salmon. If you want to show your own support for this bill, you can contact your Senators here.
  • In both the House and the Senate, two bills (HR 596 and S 297) lay out a conservative, well-thought-out leasing program for renewable energy on public lands, including a trial period for projects and a reinvestment program. We supported similar bills last year, and are pleased to see them reintroduced.