A legislation package 10 years in the making, the EXPLORE Act will create more bike trails, safeguard wilderness climbing, improve recreational permitting, fund parks and green spaces.
Read MoreCongress is expected to vote on disaster supplemental funding that would help address damages to public lands and waters from Hurricane Helene and other recent natural disasters.
Read MoreNew legislation in the Senate would extend the Legacy Restoration Fund (LRF) to address continued maintenance needs for parks and public lands.
Read MoreOutdoor Alliance is grateful to Representative Raúl Grijalva for his longstanding leadership as both Chair and Ranking Member of the House Natural Resources Committee.
Read MoreThe Mountaineers joined Outdoor Alliance in Washington, D.C. to celebrate ten years of conservation powered by outdoor recreation and to advocate for some of our biggest policy priorities to end the year, like passing the EXPLORE Act and advancing the Wild Olympics bill.